Humanity has now destroyed more biodiversity than the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs approximately 60 million years ago.
- 20% of Earth's forest have been destroyed in the last 100 years.
- Half of the world's coral reefs are dead or irreparably damaged.
- About 35% of the world's mangroves have been wiped out since 1980.
- Ocean acidification predicts a total loss of marine food sources by 2045 resulting in severe food shortages for more than 3 billion people.
- 41,500 species are on the verge of extinction while 40% of amphibians, 14% of birds, 33% of corals, and 34% of conifers are threatened or endangered.
- Over 4 billion people worldwide face acute water scarcity at least one month every year and 700 million people already face imminent displacement by 2030.
We continue to destroy our biodiversity at unprecedented rates, in pursuit of profit and growth, without a care in the world for a sustainable future.

We collaborate with great music stars to create exciting, exclusive renditions of their greatest hits for sale via video streaming to online audiences worldwide.
FOR THE PLANET, our 40-minute digital music experiences aim to deliver fun, joy and happiness to our global clientele, providing a measurable, credible way for everyone to join the fight against the most significant challenge of our times - biodiversity loss.
The more fun you have, the greater your contribution to the cause.

We aim to unite the world with music to drive consistent revenue that funds our ambitious, long-term, large-scale biodiversity conservation and restoration agenda for a sustainable future.
Whether coral reefs, rainforests, peatlands, blue carbon ecosystems like mangroves, seagrasses and salt marshes or phytoplankton, our focus is to protect, regenerate and reforest those parts of the world that are battling the effects of biodiversity loss, climate change and global warming.

Music brings the world together. It transcends boundaries and human divides. Nowhere is this more evident than when we experience our favourite music stars in performance. No one really cares about the race, colour, religion or even social or economic status of the person next to us. We are all there for one reason, and one reason only. OUR LOVE FOR MUSIC!

Stay up-to-date with all the action at WYLD Planet as we develop our conservation partnerships worldwide, sign up with music stars for our digital music experiences & build our infrastructure.

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